Pozwoliłam sobie poleżeć po obudzeniu , a ,że rzadko mogę sobie na to pozwolić to nie omówiłam dzisiaj tej przyjemności. Oczywiście milion myśli na minutę. I wiecie co ?. doszłam do wniosku ,że trzeba iść do przodu ,nie można ciągle się zamartwiać , w końcu mamy dla kogo żyć i jesteśmy w jego głowie i kochają nas za to ,że jesteśmy sobą ! .
Przepraszam was za postój z komentarzami , nie mam czasu ich odczytać i wchodzić na wasze blogi . Od wczoraj poświecam wiecej czasu na naukę na jutrzejszy egzamin. Ale wieczorem na pewno już wszystko wróci do normy . I wasze komentarze pojawią się na moim blogu .
Zamierzam wieczorem jeszcze trochę rozmaicić mojego bloga wizualnie . A teraz zabieram się za czytanie a między czasie pisanie dla was kolejnej notki :). buziaki . :)
I got up with not the best humor and physical form. Came to our severe winter (in the end either, unfortunately) and what this involves?. = Cold. Of course, I already caught one day. Well, I'll spend the weekend with kilograms of tablets, nasal drops l and t test for tomorrow's notebooks.
I let myself lie after waking, and that I can rarely afford it I discussed today is not that pleasure. Of course, one million thoughts a minute. And guess what. I came to the conclusion that it must go forward, do not worry you can still, in the end for whom we live and we are in his head, and love us for that we are together! .
Excuse me stop you for the comments, do not have time to read and go to your blogs. Since yesterday I dedicate more time to study for tomorrow's exam. But in the evening for sure everything will return to normal. And your comments will appear on my blog.
I'm going in the evening a little more visually rozmaicić my blog. And now I begin by reading and writing time between subsequent notes for you:). kisses. :)
I let myself lie after waking, and that I can rarely afford it I discussed today is not that pleasure. Of course, one million thoughts a minute. And guess what. I came to the conclusion that it must go forward, do not worry you can still, in the end for whom we live and we are in his head, and love us for that we are together! .
Excuse me stop you for the comments, do not have time to read and go to your blogs. Since yesterday I dedicate more time to study for tomorrow's exam. But in the evening for sure everything will return to normal. And your comments will appear on my blog.
I'm going in the evening a little more visually rozmaicić my blog. And now I begin by reading and writing time between subsequent notes for you:). kisses. :)
Wlasnie, tak jest... Trzeba patrzyc dalej :)
OdpowiedzUsuńpo co sie kims /czyms zamartwiac jak mamy tylko jedno zycie :) !!
Aw, I hope you feel better soon! :)
Zdrowiej kochana!!!!!!!:)
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pozdrawiam i zapraszam do mnie na kolejny nowy post:):*:*:*:*
thanks :) i like your blog and i follow u now :)