Wczoraj na poprawę humoru kupiłam buty ,botki na wiosnę oraz kaktusa :). pokaże wam dzisiaj je na pewno ;). Wczoraj nie miałam nawet siły wejść na komputer.
Enjoy .
Yesterday was a tough day. not poroznosiłam applications because it was too late. Today, what I know what my current job. And today podeśle few CV. The cold, the frost has made himself felt. Everything hurt me and the first thing I did after coming to the house it went into a warm bed.
Yesterday I bought humor to improve shoes, boots and cactus in the spring:). it will show you today for sure:). Yesterday I had no strength even to enter the computer.
Yesterday I bought humor to improve shoes, boots and cactus in the spring:). it will show you today for sure:). Yesterday I had no strength even to enter the computer.
cool photo)