Więc życzę wam pysznego objadania się ;). Lecę na zakupy na allegro ;D. a potem post o nowo zakupionych rzeczach . Buziaki ;* Dziękuję za odwiedziny :)
Today is fat Thursday. I do not know in other countries but in Poland there is such a feast, in which overeating fat and calorie stuff: tube of cream, cream, and most importantly eklery buds below each postacją - with rose, with marmalade, pudding, with chocolate cream and topped with chocolate sauce and sprinkled with walnuts. Yum ... The average Pole eats that day 2.5 donut, and together all the Poles eat NOTE .... 100 million so delicious donuts.
So I wish you a delicious binge;). I'm going shopping in the allegro, D. and then post on the newly purchased stuff. Kisses, * Thank you for visiting :)
So I wish you a delicious binge;). I'm going shopping in the allegro, D. and then post on the newly purchased stuff. Kisses, * Thank you for visiting :)