Przez ostatni czas jestem zakochana w kolorze fioletowym . I wiem ,że w moim własnym mieszkanku ( a mam nadzieję,że już niedługo) będzie dominował ten oto kolor w różnych odcieniach . Oczywiście nie mam na myśli tego ,że gdzie się nie spojrzy to będzie coś fioletowego . Fiolet oczywiście będzie panował w większej ilości w sypialni a mam na myśli kolor ścian oraz ozdoby takie jak świeczki i np. poduszki ,ewentualnie jeszcze zasłona na okno w delikatnym odcieniu fioletu. Dopełnieniem tego koloru w sypialni będzie biel i czerń . Ale co do tego to ędzie wiadomo w trakcie . W salonie również nie zabraknie tego koloru. Ale oczywiście tak jak w poprzednim pomieszczeniu będzie on w ilości do wytrzymania,gdyż jedynie poduszki i ozdoby na komodzie czy stoliku będą w fiolecie .Mam zamiar by w salonie ,miejscu oazy i spokoju dla duszy po ciężkim dniu panował kolor beżowy - czysty i neutralny kolor.
A jeśli chodzi co do reszty pomieszczeń to jeszcze nie mam konkretnego pomysłu ale podejrzewam,że w moim mieszkaniu będą dominować kolory : fiolet, czerń,biel, beż,róż,wszelkie odcienie brązu .
We already have a Monday. So here's what Monday's post about interiors and everything associated with them
For the last time I'm in love with the color purple. And I know that in my own flat (and I hope that soon) will dominate like this color in different shades. Of course I do not mean that, where it will not look anything purple. Violet, of course, will reign in greater amounts in the bedroom and I mean the color of the walls and decorations such as candles and such as pillows, curtains or even a window in a delicate shade of violet. The complement of this color in the bedroom is white and black. But as to whether it will now know when. The salon also does not run out of that color. But of course, as in the previous room will be in an amount to take, because only the pillows and decorations on the dresser or table will be in purple. I'm going to the living room, place and quiet oasis for the soul after a hard day there was beige - neutral and neutral color .
And as for the rest of the rooms is not yet have a specific idea but I suspect that in my apartment will dominate colors: purple, black, white, beige, pink, all shades of brown.
For the last time I'm in love with the color purple. And I know that in my own flat (and I hope that soon) will dominate like this color in different shades. Of course I do not mean that, where it will not look anything purple. Violet, of course, will reign in greater amounts in the bedroom and I mean the color of the walls and decorations such as candles and such as pillows, curtains or even a window in a delicate shade of violet. The complement of this color in the bedroom is white and black. But as to whether it will now know when. The salon also does not run out of that color. But of course, as in the previous room will be in an amount to take, because only the pillows and decorations on the dresser or table will be in purple. I'm going to the living room, place and quiet oasis for the soul after a hard day there was beige - neutral and neutral color .
And as for the rest of the rooms is not yet have a specific idea but I suspect that in my apartment will dominate colors: purple, black, white, beige, pink, all shades of brown.
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