Ale najważniejsze to to ,że przenosi nas w inny wymiar. Zapominamy o zimie za oknem , bo kosztując go bynajmniej w moim przypadku czuję się jak bym była na tropikalnej wyspie ;))
Nadrabiam zaległości w komentarzach od was :). Za który dziękuję bardzo :)
Pineapple is a kind of aphrodisiac, helps in the diet - weight loss, improves blood circulation, heart disease, etc. :).
But most important is that it takes us into another dimension. Forget about the winter outside, costing him in the least because in my case, I feel like I was on a tropical island;))
But most important is that it takes us into another dimension. Forget about the winter outside, costing him in the least because in my case, I feel like I was on a tropical island;))
Catching up in the comments from you :). With that thank you very much :)
zjadlabym sobie ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńbeautiful post, great images!!! <3 :)
OdpowiedzUsuńwould you like to follow each other? wish you a great day!