Jakie plany hm... KINO :)) -"big Love" ktoś był na tym filmie ?. Na samym początku nie bylam przekonana co do tego filmu i obsady . A Tym bardziej czy nadaje się na ten oto dzień. Początkowo plan był inny - iść na listy do M. i co ?. pare dni temu chcąc zarezerwować bilety okazało się ,że nie ma już miejsc :(. A seans jest jeden :(. Znaczy były miejsca ale wiecie .. pojedyncze w dodatku z odstępami co 10 foteli. Więc wybraliśmy inny film i mam nadzieję ,że będzie wart :)
A Wy jak spędzacie dzień zakochanych ?
Szczęśliwego i kochliwego Dnia Walentego :)!!
Today is Valentine's Day :). How quickly the time goes by, yet I remember years ago I spent the day. And today we have another.
What plans hm ... CINEMA :)) - "Big Love" someone was on this film?. At the beginning I was not convinced that the film and cast. And the more that is suitable for this is the day. Initially the plan was different - go to the "letters to M" and what. a few days ago wanting to book tickets turned out that there is no space: (. A session is one: (. means were places but you know .. in addition to single spaced every 10 seats. So we chose another movie, and I hope that it will worth :)
And how do you spend Valentine's Day?
Happy Valentine's Day :)!
What plans hm ... CINEMA :)) - "Big Love" someone was on this film?. At the beginning I was not convinced that the film and cast. And the more that is suitable for this is the day. Initially the plan was different - go to the "letters to M" and what. a few days ago wanting to book tickets turned out that there is no space: (. A session is one: (. means were places but you know .. in addition to single spaced every 10 seats. So we chose another movie, and I hope that it will worth :)
And how do you spend Valentine's Day?
Happy Valentine's Day :)!
Ja z moim facetem idziemy do restauracji :-) Poszłabym i do kina ale nie ma na co ;-(
OdpowiedzUsuńNawzajem! ;*