Jednak w tym roku również jestem ofiarą walentynkowych łowców ,gdyż wybieramy się razem z moją Walentynką do kina na listy do M. Od dawna planowaliśmy iść na to do kina lecz tak fajnie się złożyło,że tego dnia również grają to. Więc W ten sposób urozmaicimy sobie Ten oto dzień. A Wy jak zamierzacie spędzić walentynkowy wieczór ? Ja mam jednak nadzieję ,że nie będę musiała iść tego wieczora do pracy. Tak tak otrzymałam ofertę pracy :) Nie należy do kategorii świetniej roboty lecz żadna praca nie hańbi . Będę wykładać towar w supermarkecie ,gdyż trwa remont. No niestety nastały takie czasy ,że trzeba wszystkiego się łapać by przeżyć. Więc wróciłam do punktu wyjścia , zaczynam tak gdzie rozpoczęłam swoją karierę zawodową rok temu . No ale kto mówił ,że od razu Rzym zbudowano .
February 14th we celebrate love. How quickly the time goes by, yet I remember sitting with my baby that day, and now again there is a frenzy of hearts, valentines, red heart-shaped balloons. Every year, I noticed that this holiday is becoming more commercial. It is no longer a celebration for loving couples, but for bargain hunters on the hunt for new clients, or in a hotel, restaurants and other premises there is a frenzy promocji.Osobiście will spend the day at home with a red-hot fireplace with a glass of fine wine tasting at a good film a board made for himself.
But this year, Valentine's Day, too, am a victim of hunters, as we go along with my Valentine to the movies on the list to M. It has long been planning to go to the movies is so cool but it happened that on that day also play it. So in this way urozmaicimy itself, this is the day. And how will you spend Valentine's night? I have hope that I will not have to go that evening to work. So yes I got a job :) There is a category of good work but no work disgrace. Będę lecture goods in the supermarket, since last overhaul. Well, unfortunately this came the times that you need to catch everything to survive. So I went back to the starting point, so start where his career began a year ago. Well, but who said that Rome was built.
But this year, Valentine's Day, too, am a victim of hunters, as we go along with my Valentine to the movies on the list to M. It has long been planning to go to the movies is so cool but it happened that on that day also play it. So in this way urozmaicimy itself, this is the day. And how will you spend Valentine's night? I have hope that I will not have to go that evening to work. So yes I got a job :) There is a category of good work but no work disgrace. Będę lecture goods in the supermarket, since last overhaul. Well, unfortunately this came the times that you need to catch everything to survive. So I went back to the starting point, so start where his career began a year ago. Well, but who said that Rome was built.
fajna kartka ;)
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