Po ok.4 godzinach ostrej rywalizacji położyliśmy się i trochę pospaliśmy .jakiś wirus panuje i prawie wszyscy się pochorowaliśmy .zaczęliśmy się źle czuć ,a zaczęło się od niewinnego kataru i bólu gardła jednej osoby.
Było miło i oby więcej takich luźnych wieczorków .
Co do diety - nadal zero grzechów ,zero podjadania:). jestem dumna z siebie . A w dodatku mój chłopak wczoraj bardziej mnie zmotywował . Nie wierzy ,że wytrzymam taki czas bez słodyczy i podjadania . To się okaże :). 10 kg będzie ciężko zrzucić ale damy radę ;). w sobotę 1 warzenie po tygodniu i mierzenie ;). Ja widzę poprawy -stan cery , paznokci się poprawił ,a brzuch nie jest już tak napompowany :).
Last night was spontaneous. Zero preparation, just-fast Encompassing (tracksuit, water close at hand, the cell and Go). whole evening sitting at the table and We played monopoly! The good old days. I've already forgotten how it is playing and the last time I played. I felt like one day when all of the yard sat at a table in the room and we played till late (once the late hours were 19.00. Or 20.00, or how my mother cried, "Paulina come home" The wind blew ahhh memories) :).
After about 4 hours of fierce competition and some went to pospaliśmy. There is a virus and almost all of the pochorowaliśmy. Began to feel ill, and began with an innocent colds and sore throats one person.
It was nice, and hopefully more such evenings loose
As for diet - still zero sins and snacking :). I'm proud of myself. What's more, my boyfriend yesterday motivated me more. He does not believe that it can withstand such a time without sweets and snacking. We will see :). 10 kg will be hard but we will be able to shed;). on Saturday, one week after cooking and measuring;). I see improvement-condition skin and nails have improved, and the belly is not so pumped :).
After about 4 hours of fierce competition and some went to pospaliśmy. There is a virus and almost all of the pochorowaliśmy. Began to feel ill, and began with an innocent colds and sore throats one person.
It was nice, and hopefully more such evenings loose
As for diet - still zero sins and snacking :). I'm proud of myself. What's more, my boyfriend yesterday motivated me more. He does not believe that it can withstand such a time without sweets and snacking. We will see :). 10 kg will be hard but we will be able to shed;). on Saturday, one week after cooking and measuring;). I see improvement-condition skin and nails have improved, and the belly is not so pumped :).
oj dawno w to nie gralam :<
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