I dzisiaj między czytaniem książki, a sprzątaniem , zawitałam tutaj w końcu.
Mam dla was dużo zdjęć różnego rodzaju. Mam nadzieję, że uda mi się to wszystko ładnie poukładać i pisać bardziej regularnie.
Na początku maja byłam w cudnym miejscu w moim mieście. Park wzbogacony o zamek, muzeum, kawiarenkę w jednym z budynków dawnych domów, na około tego pięknego i zielonego miejsca płynie rzeka. Z kawiarenki dobiega muzyka. Wiosną to miejsce nabiera wyrazistości i wygląda jak z bajki.
Last terribly neglected blog. (24 is definitely not enough. Now even the session begins, and absolutely no time. Still on the run. But while trying to find time for a short entry, add the pictures.
And today between reading a book, and cleaning, arrived here at last.
I have for you a lot of pictures of various kinds. I hope I can get it all nicely put together and write more regularly.
In early May I was in cudnym place in my city. Park enhanced with a castle, museum, cafe in one of the buildings of old houses, on about this beautiful and green place the river flows. The cafe comes to music. In the spring of this place becomes clearer and looks like a fairy tale.
And today between reading a book, and cleaning, arrived here at last.
I have for you a lot of pictures of various kinds. I hope I can get it all nicely put together and write more regularly.
In early May I was in cudnym place in my city. Park enhanced with a castle, museum, cafe in one of the buildings of old houses, on about this beautiful and green place the river flows. The cafe comes to music. In the spring of this place becomes clearer and looks like a fairy tale.
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