Oglądając mecz zamierzam wykonać ombre na paznokciach. Nigdy jeszcze tego nie robiłam i nie mam w tym wprawy. Ale z ciekawości i chęci spróbuję.
Today I have a busy day, and just after noon. In a hurry I have to settle, some urgent and less urgent matters related to my work. About 20.45 the match between Poland and Russia? Outcome? For me to win Poland. Maybe this is unlikely, but the jets optimist.
Watching the game I'm going to do ombre on the nails. Never before did not and do not have this skill. But out of curiosity and willingness to try.
Watching the game I'm going to do ombre on the nails. Never before did not and do not have this skill. But out of curiosity and willingness to try.
i really wanna try it :)
OdpowiedzUsuńIt looks beautiful. I've tried it once, but for me it did not look so nice;)
OdpowiedzUsuńOh my god I looooove it! ♥